Saturday, January 22, 2011

hey jude.. runawaykat.. just plain sundress..


i signed up for this account in march of 2009 with the intention of writing more regularly again & have done nothing with it since.. tweets, status updates & mobile upload captions have gotten in the way of actually sitting down & letting your full stream of thoughts & feelings flow out of you.. at least in my case. so i really have no place here in saying what i'm about to say.. however, *i* didn't pick a domain name.. so yeah, on second thought, i AM justified to say this..

i just searched 5 different words/phrases that i love and/or always use as domain names or user names.. come to find out.. EVERY single one of them with the exception of ONE, are being used by people that don't even post anything. and the one that actually DID post a few entries, hasn't posted anything in years. so completely uncool.

so.. i mixed heyjude & sundress. two of my favorite things.. squished into one. so "heysundress" it is.

let's see how this blogging thing goes.

hopefully no one else loves "hey jude" & sundresses & has the notion to mix the two together, cause i would feel terrible for taking their desired domain name.

my apologies in advance if this should ever become the case.

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